Minutes of the Annual General Meeting 30 September 2000 Those in attendance: David Astley (by proxy), Robert Brockway, Ernest Cheung, David Cowland-Cooper (by proxy), Paul Douglas, Peter Fordyce (by proxy), Nicholas Frampton, Casey Goltz, Darryl Greensill, Gary Johnson, Fiona McNeil, Rory McNeil, Nikolas Moore, Edward Pan, Lucas Papadopoulos, David Prasser, Lawrence Wong, Brandon Young, Osborn Young. 1. Meeting opened by Chairperson Gary Johnson 12.35 P.M. 2. Reports given by President Edward Pan, Secretary Nicholas Frampton, and Treasurer Lucas Papadopoulos. All reports accepted unanimously. 3. Nominations for the position of President called for. Paul Douglas nominated by Gary Johnson, seconded by Darryl Greensill, and accepted the nomination. Edward Pan nominated by Lucas Papadopoulos, but declined the nomination. Paul Douglas elected unopposed. 4. Nominations for the position of Secretary called for. Nicholas Frampton nominated by Darryl Greensill, seconded by Lucas Papadopoulos, accepted the nomination, and elected unopposed. 5. Nominations for the position of Treasurer called for. Lucas Papadopoulos nominated by Nicholas Frampton, seconded by Edward Pan, accepted the nomination, and elected unopposed. 6. Motion: "That the following amendments be made to the Constitution: a. That section 2 be changed from 'The Society shall be an associated body of the University of Queensland Union in the category of Recreational/Cultural society' to 'The Society shall be an associated body of the University of Queensland Union in the category of General society'. b. That the following non-profit clause be added as section 3.3: 'The assets and income of the Society shall be applied solely in furtherance of its above-mentioned objects and no portion shall be distributed directly or indirectly to the members of the Society except as bona fide compensation for services rendered or expenses incurred on behalf of the Society'. c. That the following dissolution clause be added as section 25, and that other sections of the Constitution be renumbered as appropriate: 'In the event of the Society being dissolved, the amount that remains after such dissolution and the satisfaction of all debts and liabilities shall be transferred to any association with similar purposes which is not carried on for the profit or gain of its individual members'." proposed by Gary Johnson, seconded by Edward Pan, and passed unanimously. 7. Motion: "That the Management Committee should formally establish the sequence of responsibility for collecting the key to the Tivey Room before meetings," proposed by Darryl Greensill, seconded by Rory McNeil, and passed 16-0 with 3 abstentions. 8. Meeting closed 12.54 P.M.